Complaints Procedure
- The practice follows Aneurin Bevan Health Board’s ‘Putting Things Right’ procedures by investigating complaints in-house in the first instance.
- Following receipt of you a concern, we will:
* Write to you confirming our understanding of your concerns, and outlining the plan of how we will investigate them;
* Investigate your concerns appropriately;
* Send you a full written response to your concerns, outlining ways in which we can rectify them where appropriate;
* We will also let you know where you can take your concerns once we have responded, if you remain unhappy.
- Complaints should ideally be made in writing addressed to the Practice Manager, either by post or by email. We can also take complaints verbally over the telephone if you would prefer.
- To download a copy of our Practice Complaints Policy please click here.
- Aneurin Bevan Community Health Council are able to offer independent advice and support if you require any assistance with making your complaint.